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Showing most liked content on 08/19/2018 in all areas

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    Vote Mystery box & OSRS Tournaments An extra incentive has been added to voting, you will now receive a Vote Mystery box every 12 hours for voting. The entrance to the OSRS Tournaments have been limited to voters only, if you haven't voted you will be linked to the vote page. King of the Hill The King of the Hill area has been modified to the Revenants cave monsters area. The rotations have been removed. The Champion's cape for the #1 clan is now an 'all in one' item for: Fire cape, Ava's accumulator and Imbued saradomin cape. Legends cape and Lunar cape have been removed from the Clan store. PvP Caskets You can now open the PvP Caskets with Blood Money where the cost differs per casket. Blood Money costs Green casket: 25M BM Purple casket: 40M BM Golden casket: 50M BM Miscellaneous On death Revenant ether chargeable items will always drop the entire amount of charges for the opponent, even if you protect the item. Bracelet of ethereum is now an unprotectable item and will always be dropped on death. The command ::revs teleports you to the northern cave. Thanks to @Wet Wizard for helping out & coming up with ideas
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