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    What's your in-game username? - AJ What is your timezone? - UTC +1 What is your playtime? - 33 days probably 80+ days across all accounts if not more. Tell us a little about your gaming history. Hi there fellow R wilders lets get started. I've been playing RS in general now for more than 12 + years. My start on here began since RSPSPK/LOCO which is the server we today call Runewild. I'm a former Senior moderator and had to resign due to personal issues. Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - With me having 5+ years of Runewild game knowledge I believe I would be a valueable addition to the team while also offer a unique style of help that takes Runewild on another direction. Throughout my time as an active player I've always enjoyed helping others whether its questions or advices I'm always here to try my best. My main goals are to focus on helping people and also eliminate as much toxicity I can whenever there are no staff online. I'm ready and fully commited to support the game. Thank's for reading. Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here:
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    So you've just been given 25M coins or more, a berserker ring, maybe a Tent Whip, Anglers, Super Combats, Sanfews, and Guthix Rests. What now? Go through this list in order to optimize your PKing adventure - Skip Numbers if not needed: 1. Use Kraken Tentacle on Abyssal whip to create Abyssal Tentacle Note: This Abyssal Tentacle is AUTOKEEP below level 20 wilderness 2. Do you have loot keys on? (if loot drops to the floor? -> Keys are turned off) 2.a - Go to location ::Loot -> Right Click -> Talk to NPC Skully. 2.b - Click Option #1 -> Loot Keys: (Off/On) -> You want this ON. Note: Now when you kill a player, go to ::loot to loot your key via the Loot Chest. 3. Do you have the following items: Rune pouch | Barrows Gloves | Dragon Defender -> No? -> Lets buy them with the coins 3.a - Go to location ::shops -> Click & Talk to NPC Vannaka -> Go to "Untradables" Tab -> Buy items 3.b - Is your rune pouch empty? -> Yes? -> Type ::VENG -> Use runes on rune pouch Note: These items are AUTO KEEP - you will not loose them in wilderness 4. Do you have a Berserker Ring (i) ? -> No? 4.a - Go to location ::shops -> North of NPC shops, inside the building, click "Jewellery Box" -> With 25m and Berserker ring inside your inventory, go through dialog and imbue ring . Note: This Berserker Ring (i) is AUTOKEEP below level 20 wilderness - Unimbued Berserker ring is NOT autokeep. * Checkpoint # 1 * -> Congrats! You now have the proper gear to PK with! Lets make Re-gearing and getting to the wilderness ALOT FASTER 1. Do are you using Loadouts / Quick Setups? -> No? 1.a - Go to Quest tab -> Bottom left of quest tab, click the 2 cross swords -> Right Click "Edit" -> Replace 1.b - You now have created a Loadout -> Click swords again then your chosen loadout to load the setup 2. Now that you know loadouts, Do you use CTRL + Q? -> No??? 2.a - First, attempt to load a loadout via the 2 cross swords button. 2.b - Eat some food -> Press CTRL + Q on your keyboard 2.c - WOH your whole inventory got refreshed! You can do this command on the wilderness line! Didn't work? -> You need to load a loadout first, then CTRL + Q recalls last loadout used. 3. Now we created a loadout, do you have a good inventory layout/setup? Probably not so follow this regardless 3.a - Copy this loadout and item positions -> Food, potions, etc.. will be explained in future set 3.b - We should save this setup to use -> Quest Tab -> Bottom left Swords -> Right click Edit -> Replace (Reference image 1 - 1.a) 3.c - You now have saved the loadout! You can navigate back to the loadouts tab OR CTRL + Q to refresh your inventory/gear! Note: CTRL + Q to reload loadout Works everywhere in Edgeville, even right beside the wilderness Ditch in level 0 wilderness. * Checkpoint # 2 * -> Congrats! You could PK now if you want too! but want some tips? 1. Fast re-gearing after death 1.a - You died? -> Go to location ::DH (wilderness ditch) 1.b - On keyboard press CTRL + Q to reload loadout -> Eat angler (121 HP) + sip Super combat to pre-pot (118 str, att, def) -> CTRL + Q to refill inventory Note: You can CTRL + Q on the Wilderness ditch to quickly resupply after a fight! 2. Don't know how to eat fast? Combo Eat! (and other supplies!) 2.a - Double eat - very quickly, Eat an Angler -> Kara (MUST BE THAT ORDER) - Congrats! you healed instantly 40 HP! 2.b - Triple eat - very quickly, Eat an Angler -> Sara Brew -> Kara (MUST BE THAT ORDER) - Congrats! you healed instantly 56 HP! 2.c - Guthix Rest & Sara Brews - All Potions don't delay attacks. You can sip on a Guthix Rest to heal 5 HP while continuing to hit. This can be great if your 68-77 HP to heal back to 78-85. 2.d - Sanfew Serum - These potions are Super Restores + An Anti-poison in 1 potion. Useful for Tentacle Whip/DDS Anti-Poison. 3. Spec weapon is only Dragon Dagger or Dragon Mace? Lets upgrade! 3.a - When you get 7m -> Purchase Abyssal Dagger from Vannaka 3.a - When you get 30-50m -> Purchase Dragon Mace Imbue Scroll from Trading Post to upgrade to Dragon Mace (BH). + = 3.c - When you get ~70m -> Purchase Abyssal Dagger Imbue Scroll from Trading Post to upgrade to Abyssal Dagger (BH) P++. + = 3.d - When you get 100M+ -> Purchase Armadyl Godsword/Dragon Claws from Trading Post (AGS better) (view vote tip for easy coins!) 4. Other Upgrades 4.a - Want to get an infernal Cape, Avernic Defender or Ferocious Gloves? Purchase these items on the Trading Post for ~1500m/1.5b! Purchase in order: Cape -> Defender -> Gloves 4.b - Want to unlock the rest of your prayer book (Rigour, Augury, Preserve)? Purchase a Prayer Scroll on the trading post for ~250m! All 3 are unlocked with 1 Prayer Scroll. 4.c - Want to be-able to access the Bank or Trading Post without going to one? Purchase a Bond on the trading post for ~70m! Bank: CTRL + B | Trading Post: CTRL + T 5. Runewild Tips 5.a - Use Loadouts For PVM and PVP - Bonds (30 day membership) will get you 8 loadouts instead of 5. 5.b - Claim your rewards from Achievements 4.c - Use ::Vote to Vote for 7 vote points (4m Each) + 5m coins + Mystery Box (around 35m Total every 12 hours) 4.D - Useful teleports: | ::home | ::DH | ::Loot | :: NH (lvl 4 edge wildy) | ::Chins (lvl 34 wildy) | ::Revs (lvl 39 wildy) Thanks for viewing! let me know if I should add anything else. Diabio II
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    David announced Android for now. IOS does not allow "side loading" of apps. This means you can not simply download apps from any other sources besides the official app store. Android devices do allow side loading. This means every Android user can install the RuneWild mobile app. Apple users would have to perform many workaround measures in order to get the app running. For this reason it can be expected that only very few Apple users would ever use the app. This does not compensate the immense work put into creating an iOS game app. The app would not be allowed in either of the 2 app stores (apple, android) because it is an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted game.
  7. 1 like
    Hello everyone i've been playing for around 2 months now and really enjoy this server but i think my account is several years old I found that RuneWild's pk scene is more alive than any other servers working on collection log right now and having fun sometimes i travel between the usa and the phlippines, currently finishing my bachelors in programming. thanks for reading
  8. 1 like
    Welcome to RuneWild brother Good luck on the collection log + enjoy travelling my man.
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    What's your in-game username? - Kalluto What is your timezone? - CST What is your playtime? - 102 days, 14 hours and 55 min - few more scattered across accounts lol Tell us a little about your gaming history. - I play a little of everything, Runescape being the longest game i've grinded and touched, been playing it for over 10 years now. maybe even more, stumped upon this server a little over a year ago and been playing since. Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I believe i'd be a great member of the staff team due to my game knowledge and the fact that i love helping people. im also bilingual so i help the spanish speaking players when needed. im on really most of the day since i work from home its easy to be online. Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here: Not really active on forums i gotta admit, something i can work on but for the most part i believe im an easy guy to get along with and a great member of the community.
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    Solid player, best of luck <3
  15. 1 like
    You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. - ✔️ Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. - ✔️ Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. - ✔️ No severe punishments in the past 90 days. - ✔️ No past toxic behavior. - ✔️
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    +10000 real G, helped me a lot!
  19. 1 like
    Dude has been around for aslong as i can remember ! +1 from me
  20. 1 like
    Goodluck my friend.
  21. 1 like
    +1 for this champ
  22. 1 like
    Ex Staff Good luck.
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    What's your in-game username? - I Monsta I What is your timezone? -Eastern European Time What is your playtime? - Well the forum profile says March 18, 2019 so around then started playing. Tell us a little about your gaming history. - I've played osrs since a little kid, but since EOC update been playing mostly rsps and RuneWild is always been the top one and atm only one. Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - I want to make the server and community better and help them and be part of the team somehow. I've been helping new players a lot in RuneWild and going to keep doing that.
  25. 1 like
    U must join the discord. U can do this by typing ::impulse ingame for the discord invite. After that you will be ranked based on activity, can't ask for rank.
  26. 1 like
    I’ve been in the discord since 2019, and haven’t once seen it mentioned, lol.
  27. 1 like
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    Hey there, Monsta really is one of a kind. As a new player he showed me around and helped me feel familiar with the rsps. I would deffinetly vouch for Monsta, such a nice and helpfull person. Goodluck with the application!
  29. 1 like
    U should join the discord for further info and it will be implemented real soon.
  30. 1 like
    You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. ---- Yes Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. ---- Yes, account created September 2018. Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. ---- Well over this amount of playtime I'd imagine. No severe punishments in the past 90 days. ---- Never Have broken a rule in game. No past toxic behavior. ---- Never
  31. 1 like
    There are browser based iOS apps for private servers. This may be an idea in future.
  32. 1 like
    somos un nuevo clan dipuesto a todo una gran comunidad
  33. 1 like
    You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. Dont have that, dont feel its that active to post other things then 'gz' Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. 1 of the first accounts on runewild Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. total playtime is 30 days 19 hours. i made an ironman account recently named 'erected' playing alot on there lately. already ahve 12 days playtime on it. No severe punishments in the past 90 days. Nope, dont think so No past toxic behavior. other then the usual pk gimmicks no toxic behaviour at all
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    my biggest piece of advice would be get slayer, rc and thieving done straight away. they take just as long as all the other ones combined