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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Ahker

    I'm sure David has his methods. Haven't seen any suspected AHKERS at the moment. Agree with reynolx report to the staff-team if you suspect anyone.
  2. Video Toa 350 invo with like 300m gear

    Dope! shows that anybody can do this for nice rewards. Good stuff.

    Mad love Ray :3

    What's your in-game username? - AJ What is your timezone? - UTC +1 What is your playtime? - 33 days probably 80+ days across all accounts if not more. Tell us a little about your gaming history. Hi there fellow R wilders lets get started. I've been playing RS in general now for more than 12 + years. My start on here began since RSPSPK/LOCO which is the server we today call Runewild. I'm a former Senior moderator and had to resign due to personal issues. Why do you want to be a member of our staff team? - With me having 5+ years of Runewild game knowledge I believe I would be a valueable addition to the team while also offer a unique style of help that takes Runewild on another direction. Throughout my time as an active player I've always enjoyed helping others whether its questions or advices I'm always here to try my best. My main goals are to focus on helping people and also eliminate as much toxicity I can whenever there are no staff online. I'm ready and fully commited to support the game. Thank's for reading. Anything else you want to tell us can be posted here:
  5. Gora Veteran rank application

    Finally a veteran application that has all the requirements. Good luck.
  6. Dharok set value

    Support not sure why this hasn't been brought or mentioned this would mean rebuilding your bank becomes very efficient. I like this a lot actually. @David
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zZDPYbLO7o

    Mad love bro, Thank you, nice to see you still play :3
  9. staff aplication

    If you want to actually become staff and excel to have higher chances tell us a little more about yourself man, this application is lacking Effort and information. No support at the moment.
  10. Staff Application - L0OT

    Well written, Honestly seem like an all around decent guy. Server needs more staff with all these new players joining, sometimes there are not staff online at periods. goodluck fella.
  11. You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. Yes sirski Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. Yaa Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. I have the required hours. No severe punishments in the past 90 days. No, nothing really. No past toxic behavior. Negative. Been playing for as long as I remember and still do as Runewild has all the PKing needs, for me to fulfil my dopamine levels.
  12. Cheers big fella :3
  13. Clue Scrolls Guide

    Cool display, very easy to understand and straight to the point. Love it :3
  14. PRICE GUIDE - UPDATED (December/23)

    Amazing, to just look at well done with this
  15. How to Vote & A Bonus for Newbies

    NICE! bro coming in with lifehack methods
  16. Dohx Staff Application

    Goodluck! 89 days wow
  17. Come back friend...

    1. ADAM


      Both of you come back?

    2. David
    3. ADAM


      I guess there's still no hearing on whether he's dead, or lurking around anywhere :(

  18. CRAZY!

    OMG SENPAI @repmygang123 Teach me your ways now! I need lessons
  19. @rayp Solid guide buddy, keep it up!
  20. Wag1

    Welcome back, Real recognize real.
  21. Staff Update 1/22/2019

    Great choice of having @Adam as forum manager, he keeps the forum an Active and fun Place init.
  22. 1.5B 07 LOOT Risk fightermen

    ya'll ready know it bro
  23. 1.5B 07 LOOT Risk fightermen

    Did you watch it? or just leave a quick comment for posts? :thinking:
  24. Ratlords Domination | Impact Leadership Audio

    So Fascinating woow.