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Found 34 results

  1. UIM & HC Agility

    As you are friends, I bring you a short story about the "Agility" ability in Ironman Ultimate and Ironman Harcore, and everyone knows that Ultimate is forced to take his entire bank everywhere and it would be totally risky to take his entire bank to the woods just to increase agility, and in the case of Harcore's ironman, because a kill would be his end and increasing agility to the woods would be a total risk. One of the first solutions that I offer would be that after lvl 60 of agility for the UIM & HC that will gain more experience in the same area of "Tree gnome villague" that could be the same experience as in wildnes or only 40k of exp per lap. another good option would be to activate the camelot agility circuit for the HC & ULM
  2. Cox solo no Gear

    A more successful challenge, I think that doing cox alone and with a scythe, tbow and a trident and only food is very easy because the truth is that I have a lot of food but it was still a nice challenge I hope to motivate more people to do a good pvm.
  3. HiScores for Realism

    Currently the high scores for realism game mode is attached to hardcore iron man. It makes it hard to determine who falls under what game mode and where competitors fall in the high scores. I believe I am in a close race with Floki to be the first Realism accounts to max but it would be nice to know. Please fix
  4. Raids 2 - Theatre of Blood

    First thing I want to say about raids 2 loot is that its horrible. The loot that you get from completing a regular should be rewarding even if it is not a drop, considering not many people do raids and that it is considerably hard, I feel as if the loot should be buffed. Soloing the boss is already hard enough and after completing a raid it doesn't feel at all satisfying considering the chances of getting an item while soloing is extremely rare with it being the number rolling system based on players per raid. The chances of getting a raid drop while soloing is extremely rare, so I feel as if at least to reward the player for completing the solo raid that the loot should at least be worth their time and effort. A raid can take anywhere from 8-14minutes, depending on your rng for hits on the boss. To be doing a raid for 8-14 minutes and then being rewarded with 1-5m loot at most, this is without an actual item of course, it just doesn't provide any motivation for people to do raids. Another reason I feel that normal loot should be buffed is, because raiding whether it be solo or with a team, is just not profitable at all especially if you go on a dry streak such as the player "GIANT" doing 200+ raids and not getting and item. With the time spent doing all of those raids you could have made way more money because the normal loot from raids is 1-4m at most, like I don't see why having a crystal bow from raids 2 is a drop, it is worthless like you can't even sell it in the shop. I am just looking for a regular loot buff and making it more common for getting a good drop while doing solos, duos, etc. This could be done by maybe having a specific drop rate on an item for solos, then another for duos, etc.
  5. hola

    You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. idk i dont talk on forum much Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. ye me account old more Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours playing more then 50 hours No severe punishments in the past 90 days. ye
  6. server is down?

    server is down tell me please?
  7. Some messed up shit [PKERCOMPLETE]

  8. Runewild video 6 ayayay

    Enjoy ma d00ds
  9. Hope you enjoy the video. To enter the giveaway follow these simple rules: like the video, subscribe to my channel, comment your in-game name (in the comment section of the video!)