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Found 46 results

  1. any detailed duke guide?

    is there anyone with a detailed duke guide? id like to start grinding it but cant seem to find a decent guide in english explaining what to do, if you have one or know where i can find one drop it below. thanks in advance

  3. RuneWild ES

    Hey guys We are primarily a Spanish clan but we welcome English speakers too. You will find that we have guides and info available on our discord to help you in RW which we aim to improve as we go. Bienvenido al clan Somos principalmente un clan español, pero también damos la bienvenida a personas de habla inglesa descubrirás que nos estamos desarrollando a medida que avanzamos, pero ya tenemos información disponible para cada tipo de raids y continuaremos ampliandola en el futuro Head over to our discord here discord.gg/RuneWildES
  4. Extra bonus drops for vote

    Extra bonus drops for vote Can you get almost 15% in drops killing an npc for the 1hour bonus when you do the vote
  5. Infinite PvM

    Welcome to Infinite PvM: https://discord.gg/aVwUydJ5af We are a brand new Runewild PvM clan that is dedicated to helping new players in understanding mechanics to anything PvM related. We are super active and treat everyone with high respect and as equals. The staff team is highly understanding of not belittling anyone and helping anyone by any means necessary so we can have more people to enjoy the Runewild PvM scenery and not leave due to them unable to find that specific “group/family” to be apart of. You may find this community here is not only welcoming but we are here to help each other grow and succeed. There is always an opportunity to learn and grow for everyone and together we will find those opportunities. I am pleased to have you apart of this group and hope to hear from you soon!! Recent Accolades: 140+ Members and growing! 20B+ in Giveaways! Many messages of gratitude for helping people! Many more to come!! Reasons to join: Yes we are a brand new PvM CC in Runewild but for how long we been public we have grown rapidly. We do need more people to join our staff team inside the discord which would give you any experience you may need if you have plans on applying for Runewild's Staff. Infinite PvM is a no beef zone meaning there is absolutely zero tolerance for disrespecting other members or any other clans inside the cc/discord. We have a HUGE event planned once we are "official" with BIG prizes to come. We also assist with any raids/PvM monsters you may need help with but you're struggling to complete. We were all there at one point and there definitely is a learning curve. We are here to help! Everyone is welcomed to join! ¿Español? ¡Ningún problema!: Hola, si hablas español eres bienvenido a unirte a Infinite PvM. Actualmente tenemos un grupo en español aquí con un chat dedicado en español para que también puedas hacer amigos!!
  6. Lords Of War

    Lords Of War NOW RECRUITING! RULES: #1. Always Look Out/Help your Clanmates #2. No Baiting #3. Never Leave a Man behind #4. Spare No-One #5. No Clan/Member Disrespect #6. Follow the RuneWild Rules Join "Lords Of War" Clan Chat in-game Today! Promotions are given out to those who put in the Most Time, Energy & Positivity into the Clan & Making sure we stay on top of ALL PVP Boards & PVM Bosses. An Official Discord will be made Soon! Stay Tuned! Lords Of War is an ENGLISH/SPANISH Speaking Clan & has an Active PVP/PVM/Skilling Member base.
  7. PVM streaming

    Heya! As a Mod and Representant for UNITY PvM Clan i am going to stream runewild pvming everytime i am online. Some less and some more experienced pvm content, tune into stream on this youtube channel. Still working on settings for streaming https://www.youtube.com/@Gora1000
  8. YouTube Application

    New to this YouTube scene. Too much wild ish happens to me constantly for me not to show everyone the insanity of my Yin/Yang luck, I'm talking from the "how in the ....????" to the "wow... imagine that actually happening to someone though...." type ish. Love this server more than any other that I've ever played throughout the years to date. Really it's just way too phenomenal to not want to support and advertise it and assist it's growth in the near future to not give it a shot IMO. Anyways. Go for gold David. Let's make this economy grow even larger and flourish more than ever before together. I got you my guy. Hope you'll feel the same and throw this dog a bone to get some ish going in a better direction in his life. Leggooooooooooooooo RUNEWILD! YouTube Tag : @rubadubflub Link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC88MY7FHbfmU5X1PcWsftrQ youtube.com/channel/UC88MY7FHbfmU5X1PcWsftrQ
  9. new staff

    well to start I will introduce myself I am zeldick that is to say my name in the game now you will wonder what experience I have in the game Well, I have a lot of experience in the game, especially in the matter of pvm. From the moment I arrived at the game, I was very attracted to what raid 2 is, that is tob, at this moment I have already finished the collection log of tob, although well, that is already deviating from topic well I have a long history from osrs and now I would like to contribute help through knowledge to this great game well since I arrived in the game and I have made many friends and I would like to help improve coexistence in the game and to talk a little about my experience in the game will now start to answer the requirements 1 how long have you played? : I have played approximately 60 days with 23 hours depending on the game, it is the total game time 2 Do you have knowledge about the rules of the game? : If I am aware of the rules of the game 3 Have you ever been penalized for breaking any game rule? : Not until now I have not broken any rules of the game and I try to keep it that way 4 what is your time zone? : My time zone is GMT -4:30, that is, I am from Latin America, specifically from Venezuela. Well, now they will wonder what I would contribute that another person would not contribute, well? Well from the moment I got to the game as my English is not very good I find it difficult to communicate with the staff since many speak English and this problem has not only happened to me but to many of my friends who play this great game The same thing happened to them and I would like to take charge of answering all the questions that the Latino community has and thus create a more diverse and united community. Well, having said all this, I would like to have the great opportunity to be part of the staff and well, and I am also active on the discord and in the game, you will almost always find me active, thanks for your attention.
  10. PVM forum channel

    Heya! I was thinking to ask about a pvm related forum channel, share gear set ups, tactics what not..
  11. PVM forum channel

    Heya! I was thinking to ask about a pvm related forum channel, share gear set ups, tactics what not..
  13. Clan #1 en pvp https://discord.gg/VmvEHugjuH
  14. Runewildpvm Clan <3

    Hey welcome to runewildpvm clan! wanna join a pvm clan and have fun with friends and find a group for any pvm content then this is the clan for you weather your new or old time all pvmers all are welcome ? Other content … chilling ? & meet new people ? & discord ? & events ? & pvm ? & learning new bosses ? & mass events ?‍♂️ & bingo ? & giveaways ? & raffles ? & new Ironman games ? & prizes to be won every event ? New Ironman games! Are you a Ironman and still wanna be in events well here the place where you can go aginst other Ironman and win $10 scroll & 30 days merbership while haveing fun and unlocking new items ? All bosses in runewild are killed ? wanna learn this is the place for you ⚔️ please join ingame cc [ runewildpvm ] please join discord & start your new journey with us! https://discord.gg/WZr32yCr Thanks you runewildpvm team ?
  15. Osrs - Level 48 Soloing Bandos

    My gear setup → https://imgur.com/a/iwAp8zC
  16. familia -hxh-

    le damos la bienvenida a nuestro clan -hxh- donde podran disfrutar de un hambiente familiar y como donde podran hacer una gran variedad de bosses y de sorteos y muchas dinamicas divertidas y todo esto en una gran hambiente divertido y tambien podran entrar a nuestro discord para mas divercion enlace de discord : https://discord.gg/RxDMHuZyCP
  17. Unity Clan

    Welcome to Unity Clan We are the largest PvM based clan in-game, with weekly and monthly events ranging from; Boss of the Week, Clan Bingo, Fun boss trips etc etc. Anyone is welcome to join us and are over 100+ members whether you are just starting out on RSPS's or are a veteran PVM god we do not judge, we take pride in knowing that our members take learners out and teach them Nightmare, Chambers, TOB, TOA and any other boss you could imagine. Join our 1000+ members in our discord. https://discord.gg/2aZqjyhQgz Recent Achievements: 1000 + Discord members 110 clan members in-game Record event pots of 100b! PVM Hiscores / Team surveys and much much more! If you have any questions please contact one of the following people: Owners: EU / Relbaek Co Owner: 30 30 Manager: -Dabs / Kush Chicken / iWtfi Admins: Blue Chin Moderators: CLINICAL / Jxck / Dohx / Gora / -Thin
  18. NBS [ No Bull Shit ]

    Short , sweet, and simple. NBS Stands for No Bull Shit Just trying to build a community that isn't constantly advertising they're active with 3 people in their CC's and completely useless to the community. NBS is a helpful community for beginners and experienced players alike. We focus on PvM and PvE I'll try to incorporate weekly giveaways of some sort or rewards for the most active members in the clan. Here's the discord : Not much yet, but it will be soon. https://discord.gg/jHuFkv2uBd
  19. Hey my name is Wais, I live in the United Kingdom (UK) I am new to streaming but my content I guarantee you will enjoy, tune in show some love and support subscribe and like to enter my giveaways and events LIVE! <3
  20. Death Terro

    "Death Terro" cc created only to destroy enemy clans and get some excitement in the wildeness that's why they had to make our Death Terro family public, important announcement, fill out and complete the entire form for you to be part of our team now. Clan chat name: Death Terro Discord: https://discord.gg/EeCR8qdd "Death Terro" cc creado solo para destruir clanes enemigos y obtener algo de emoción en el desierto, es por eso que tuvieron que hacer pública nuestra familia Death Terro, anuncio importante, llene y complete todo el formulario para que sea parte de nuestro equipo ahora. Nombre del chat del clan: Death Terro
  21. Vatos Locos

    "Vatos Locos" cc creado solamente para destruir clanes enemigos y conseguir algo de emoción en el wildeness por eso tuvieron que hacer público nuestra familia de VATOS ,importante anuncio,llenar y completar todo el formulario para que formes parte de nuestro equipo ahora. Nombre del Clan chat: VATOS LOCOS "Vatos Locos" cc created only to destroy enemy clans and get some excitement in the wildeness that's why we decided to make our VATOS family public, important announcement, fill out and complete all the forms so that you are part of our team now. NAME CC: VATOS LOCOS
  22. Iron Family

    Iron Family Iron Family is an Ironman/HCIM/UIM only social clan of all skill levels, experience, and knowledge. Starting out an Ironman can quickly feel daunting and that's why we're here- to help each other along the way. From group bossing to socializing to giving tips and support we're here so that the long grind of an ironman doesn't ever begin to feel too lonely. There are a few key priorities we place in our clan to make everyone feel welcome: 1. Everyone starts from somewhere. We understand everyone has a beginning, and it's the responsibility of the veterans to support them so they can do the same some day. 2. Patience is a virtue. We'll always be patient with our members. RuneScape has always been about the grind; be patient in your words too. 3. Positivity spreads like Covid. Be a positive person and our chat will be a positive place. However, negativity spreads negativity. Be the person you want to see! If you'd like to know more please post below. There are no requirements to enter the clan aside from being an Iron member. Hope to see you there!
  23. Ironman 100 kc Cox loot LOOT I Used one prayer scroll and my C keys which would have maybe added another 400-500m.
  24. Hello, my name is Zoe Anne. I just recently started on this server after getting bored with OSRS. I have a Level 124 PvP account and my bank is like 4b so it's just boring. I rocked nex for like 500 KC on OSRS Release for nothing soooo I wanted to find something more fun and relaxed! Current Stats as of Feb 18/22(Date of Starting this Thread) Hi guys! I hope everyones doing well! I have some bad news. One of my partners caught COVID so I have to take time off work - I manage a legal dispensary. While sad, that means BIG GIRL GAINS! I'm gonna start with an easy one. BARROWS LOG! Currently 38/39 and only about 3-4 hours here! I'm still thinking of whether or not to save up a load of Vote Boxes and Boxes from logs for a grand opening or something... What do YOU think!? Stat Updates - Total Level Milestones and Achievements! PvP Adventures - KDR, Epic Kills and what I think are decent loots! Drop Log from PvM and Skilling Content!