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Showing most liked content on 02/13/2018 in Posts

  1. 5 likes
    I realize in advance that this may seem basic, and it is. But I also realize that many new players are new to "spawn" servers, so this is for them There are two commands you need to know, ::Getid (Item) Example: I enjoy killing kraken, so I need a lot of ruby bolts (e). To get the ID for ruby bolts, I type in the client "::getid ruby bolt" which returns the values of Ruby bolt tips - 9191 Ruby bolts (e) - 9242 Ruby bolts - 9339 ::Item (#) (#) The first # represents the item ID while the second # represents how much you want of that item. Example Cont: Now that I have the item ID for Ruby bolts (e), I can simply spawn them by typing "::item 9242 5000" which will spawn 5000 Ruby Bolt (e)'s. You may not spawn items in most areas. Spawn items in Edgeville for convenience. It should be noted that by typing generic item names such as "red" will return too many items, and you may not see the specific item you are looking for. For better results, be as specific as you can, or refer to http://www.itemdb.biz/ which returns many more items then the client will.
  2. 3 likes
    To enter the giveaway all you need to do is 1. Like the video 2. Subscribe 3. Comment ign Enjoy
  3. 1 like
    Simplistic, but helpful, well done.
  4. 1 like
    Very good short guide!
  5. 1 like
    Nice, simple, and helpful guide. Thanks a lot for this.
  6. 1 like
    As you stated, a very helpful guide for new players” appreciate this, well done
  7. 1 like
    Thank's for doing this G.
  8. 1 like