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  1. 2 likes
    You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. Yes, i got Account creation must be atleast 12 months old.: my account has be created may 2021 (2 years ago, almost 3) Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours.: I have more about that No severe punishments in the past 90 days.: Not No past toxic behavior. : just in multi clans fights
  2. 2 likes
    You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums. I have over 50 post count. Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. Novermber 2022 . over a year old Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. Id imagine its way over that No severe punishments in the past 90 days. None at all No past toxic behavior. Again none at all, most chilled person going. thank you for taking your time reading.
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    Mullet Boii Veteran Rank Application You must have atleast 50 posts on the forums.(yes,) 50 on the dot. Account creation must be atleast 12 months old. 2+ years on this one account Your past 30 days play time must be atleast 50 hours. (Yes) (I have no life rw is life) No severe punishments in the past 90 days.(No) False muted that got reverted (10 minutes later)(due to spamm names and a miss type on the mod end) No past toxic behavior. (No) (I am one of the leaders of mercy I always respect the people of the game) (maybe a little clan yell but that's it) Thanks for reading -Shayne
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    +1 Incredible game knowledge super friendly.
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    Good Luck Brother <3 hope you make it
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    Doxh has always been a helpful and an active player, representing runewild at its finest. You dont need google when you got Dohx, his brain is Runewild Wiki. Good luck on the app +1
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    +1 dohx staff big man. good luck!!
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    +1 for the young billy goat <3
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    Easy +1 from me , always calm even if people annoy him 24/7 .
  21. 1 like
    good luck brother gl on rank