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Posts posted by Mehukas

  1.  owner_ico.pngOwnerowner_ico.png
    Known el david ever Since I started playing locopk back in the days, always been helpful, I'd say most active owner out of all rsps I have ever played, doesn't take long for him to answer on discord either, just overall great owner + comes up with amazing content.. If server is looking abit boring /dead-ish always comes up with something great to save up the game!

    @G Haven't really seen you much ingame or spoken with you so can't really say anything about you, but looking that you have admin rank you most likely know what you are doing :P

    gmod_ico.pngGlobal Moderatorgmod_ico.png
    @Adam If this is the same adam from locopk, I gotta say we don't get along that well, but even tho we are not buddies you do your best to help me always when I ask for help 
    @Maxed Have heard you tend to punish people for little stuff maybe a little too easy.. take easy on the ban/mutehammer buddy

    @HovaldoMy man.. I would say the best moderator on the game [sorry jhaf]  has helped me multiple times, doesn't ignore like some mods, even if its a big mess Hovaldo always helps until the end, supportive aswell always in a great mood, helps alot in help cc!

    @Incredible W Loyal,honest,humble moderator, does his job as hes meant to do it,doesn't abuse powers, [ for example when his own team, Impact was spamming something racist, he was the mod that muted whole team (Seen staff members on this game who would let that slip) ]  
    @JhafEven tho you my boy, aint seen much from you (might be because of im blind but idk) Helps with yells when asked so thats a +1


    @Nicc    Great dude, had a blast helping him with his twisted bow (defending him from pkers) Really chill, kind dude these are the kind of staff members we need :)
    Edit: dont know what happened to my post, but missing both, @Jadakiss and @Gooby.. really haven't seen either of you ingame so can't really rate you,gl on getting better ranks tho :P
    Now that you all suffered from aids reading my text, I'd like to apologize for my bad english / grammar :DDD