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Everything posted by Hp

  1. Official - PRICE GUIDE - 2021

    Thank you! I'll be adjusting these today.
  2. Delete

    Glad to have you!!!
  3. Delete

    PLEASE DO! I want this to grow, the Ironman grind is real!
  4. Official - PRICE GUIDE - 2021

    Fixed, thanks for the feedback!
  5. You must have at least 50 posts on the forums. ✔️ Account creation must be at least 12 months old. ✔️ Your past 30 days play time must be at least 50 hours. ✔️ - Ingame my playtime is not being displayed correctly because I could not play during 2019 (IRL situation, work, etc.). I have been playing Locopk - RW v1/v2 since late 2016-early 2017. I am an Ex-staff member/Graphic's Designer with the old name Tommy from Locopk days. Players that can vouch are Rudra, Wclord, Arch Angel, David, etc. No severe punishments in the past 90 days. ✔️
  6. Make rsps great again.

    Nice bridding, keep it up.
  7. Staff Update 1/22/2019

  8. Calm - My Official Introduction.

    I like professionalism and I appreciate the introduction. Good luck in your role and surely if @David has given you such a rank, he must see greatness in you. I hope to see some great work, to be expected.
  9. I think it would be very beneficial for new players that are learning the economy to have "values" introduced. Example: When opening your bank, at the top of the interface it will display exactly how much bloodmoney in items your bank holds. This will also appear in Inventory Trades and if possible, stake interfaces. Prices displayed are based off of Shop Values - not street value. This is only a suggestion and is a Quality of Life update (not important or priority). Please leave a vote above if you would like to see this implemented!
  10. Runewild Starter Guide - EASY AGS/CLAWS AT START

    slayermusiq1? Is that you? Good video!
  11. Donator Island

    I have ranted for over 2 years to see some sort of donator benefits implemented and nothing has come of it, yet. @David needs to fix this.
  12. Hp's Graphics!

    No thanks.
  13. I think it has been put off for quite some time but Quality of Life updates should be a priority. I really appreciated May 11th's updates here because they were more geared toward the communities input. The recent increase in players means there will soon be a LOT of donators willing to donate, but the current Donator Benefits are lacking big time. This has been discussed since LocoPk whether there would ever be Master Donator+ benefits and we have yet to be introduced with anything besides "quick teleport to sdi, useless cosmetics, and a quicker yell timer, etc." these small add-ons are not very unique and need a ton work. For the majority of veteran players here that have kept donating and or asked for QoL updates like forum upgrades, etc. have waited long enough with little return in updates. Please & Thank You
  14. Add a special boss to sdi besides Cerberus. Cerberus drops are not worth killing for, you could spend hours killing it with 0 return or at best some prim boots. @Justin wanted Vorkath here, I think that would be great if it were instanced for Master+ Donators. But to enter the instance you would need to pay a fee and of course you could only kill it every like 5-7hrs.. etc. Custom Yell Tags No fee for broken items for Master+ WAY more pvming/dungeons/etc Forum updates (overhaul for special ranks, etc.) Create your own unique skin tone? Idk if this is possible, but if there was a way I think it would be unique. Ability to create "rewards" for force-starting events. I want a DH Event and the winner of that event to claim the reward I added. It would boost activity in the tournament and the reward would be diverse. Add something that Master+ Donators receive special daily rewards? 75M per 24hrs would be fair. Any donator should have access to some sort of reward for 1000 kills reached. That's all I could think of.. but I'm sure there are tons more of suggestions for donator benefits flooding the suggestion section throughout this year. Thank you @David!
  15. Protect Prayer

    It's only like that because they are the exact same value in the shops, I do think they need to be fixed nonetheless.
  16. Forums Suggestion

    go to the top right under your name drop down box > then click "account settings" > then click 'Signature' on the bottom left list > then copy & paste the image in the box (make sure you click "center" for the best look) Enjoy! *edit* I think the forums are actually disabled for proper signatures, that is something @David needs to fix. Hope you can use the signature in due time, it's awesome!
  17. Hp's Graphics!

    I may get this back up and running, hmm
  18. Updated 1 hour npc drop rate guide #2

    Use Book of Darkness and mystic or infinity/eternal boots for better dps. Also try to keep everything on 1 thread so people can reference a full list of your findings. Good thread, hope it gets updated, etc.
  19. Dump Well

    I would suggest you not come off hostile and make some sort of misunderstanding, I have hosted TONS of giveaways because I have owned the eco many times before on Loco/RW.. I've left for a month so I'll give you that much. Event.. Another big event.. Bad suggestion if you are looking for an untradable cosmetic item as a reward, we are a pking server and I think more than 90% of people willing to dump items in some sort of "well" will want something worth value. Have a nice day.
  20. Dump Well

    I wouldn't want to dump tons of pking gear, etc. into a well to be rewarded with an untradable cosmetic. If there was a "well" of some sort I would only contribute to it if there was a reward worth doing this for. Cosmetics are not appealing unless you bank stand..
  21. 5 $ scroll

    I support this 100%. I hope its added.
  22. Lets go!

    It's good to be back and it's really nice seeing RW where it should be, it reminds me of RspsPk back in it's prime days! Well done @David and the whole community/staff.