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Wya last won the day on March 13 2021

Wya had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

21 Excellent

1 Follower

About Wya

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  1. Bank

    get it, good luck sir
  2. Bank

    That's not bad man, did you complete basilisk already?
  3. Forum Activity

    Everyone usually just use the discord of runewild, but theres still a few people that comes here/ If you're not on runewild discord. make sure to type ::discord in game and you'll be in runewild discord sir. good luck
  4. LADS

    Nice, try to sell it, and get yourself a trident of swamp. it'll be easier and faster kills
  5. LADS

    Welcome, to runewild sir. I hope you enjoy your stay here , Make sure to vote every 12 hours and sell the vote points 5-6m ea, that's 48m every 12 hours.
  6. Road to Basilisk Collection Log

    Good luck sir, you're almost there! A few more loot and you'll finish the log.
  7. Looking for series ideas

    I did a scratch from 0gp. good progress so far. havent fp or anything Glgl
  8. Nasty Focus Vet app

    Old player +1 for me
  9. New Players Guide

    Good looking guide! Keep up the good work
  10. Road to 20B from scythe EP 2 !

    Keep up the good videos
  11. Road to 20B from scythe EP 1 !

    Good progress, Keep up the good videos. Looking forward
  12. Capes tob and Cox

    Tob is already added, but not Cox Good suggestion
  13. AIO Bosses Guide

    Damn, we need a new update on this lol
  14. Hey everyone!

    Welcome to runewild sir, hope you enjoy your stay here.