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Showing most liked content on 06/25/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 likes
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    3:31 Preferably my choice of weapon is Jadakiss my friend, awesome video my friend Jadakiss, keep up the great videos, would love to see more RuneWild content coming from you in the future buddy, much love appreciated, enjoy your day
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    I used to take photoshop really seriously, during the call of duty scene. I was like 13 and I wanted to be in all the teams like FaZe, and I was garbage at trickshotting and all the other stuff they did, so I resorted to designing. I used to be extremely good, I'm still alright, but besides the backstory, here it is: It's quite simple, I probably should've made it so you could see them entirely standing, but I like it. Let me know what you think!
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    Been a while my dude. Good vid, keep it up!
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    I support this fully; Just because the zerkers and, voiders wont have no one to fight but their selfs; us pures can actually have fun fighting and, not have to worry about insta telly after downing an opponent because a voider/zerk wants to be a $$$$$ so yea and, how it could work is if your zerking/voiding if u click a pure a dialogue will pop up saying your def is too high.. or the pure has to attack the zerker/voider first. I don't see why this can't be implemented in.
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    It should be tradable, if the player profits, so be it. They would only be selling it for cash that already exists in the game anyway.