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Showing most liked content on 06/21/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 likes
    Alrighty before I begin with my feedback I'd like for everyone to know this feedback is UN-BIASED This is not for me to be buddy-buddy with anyone(aj/ian<3) but honestly the stuff i'm going to say is based of your performance that I've witnessed and i'm sure many others can agree on this as well. If you don't believe what I'm saying you should really take a look for yourself. Owner - @David - My bro you're literally the best owner out there. Back from RSPSPK to now there's so much improvement, the way you interact, the grinding with coding, the events, livestreams etc. The only thing I see you slacking with is your own staff team. other then that bro It's truly been an honor to have played your servers. keep doing what you're doing. - Senior Moderator: - @Virtus - This is interesting.... I know you from when you first joined, you were really a good moderator and great at helping back then. As of right now no bashing intended, you're useless. it sounds harsh but facts are facts, I see you log in do a couple yells here n there and instant log out. you never respond to people in help cc anymore, if you do respond it's like 30 minutes late and there's already 100 more questions. I'm not sure why you're senior mod as you don't even take charge of your team. - Global Moderator: - @True Sight - My bro you know I love you<3 (no homo) but you've been slacking.... I don't see you on often you don't really play much.. I understand your circumstances irl can be the cause of this, so bro please don't take this as a bashing. @Matt - Honestly I'm not entirely sure why you're global, not active and you don't really help and or do anything, you're just there with an icon basically. don't take this the wrong way, you're a great person and a father but currently as a staff not so much... eyo say hi to becky for me. @B - Bro I had really high expectations with you from when you joined the team, and you proved me right. until recently probably the pass month or so you haven't been active at all. not sure if you lost motivation to play or what... - Moderator: - @Jadakiss - I've got zero clue as to why you're staff, literally I'm mind blown. i'll come out with straight facts, you almost always leave help cc, you pk 99.9% of the time you're on and if you do go into help cc you suck at helping. @Hovaldo - MIA @Cata - Cata you're a nice guy but I think you've been resigning for the pass 3 weeks? anyways semi active and you do help in cc. @Rudra - Not much to say as I believe you're fmod only I think? You're active asf on the forums, always have been and always will be Xd. keep da forum clean. @Ian Ah almost last but not least.... everyone will think I'm biased with you cuz you're my homie, guess what you prove everyone and all the haters wrong. LET'S start with the facts, anyone thinking I'm wrong? go and play for a day and see if I'm wrong. Most active out of any staff member x3, literally no joke X3. Most useful information given and is always in help cc. literally everyone gets forwarded to you (they're lazy to help) You do giveaways and handle like 95% of all the issues? and you're a moderator?????? My bro I see you as admin if not co-owner, literally if there's anyone that can get admin/co owner it's you. Still an ok nher<3 @Razor You have the mind of a 12 y/o but you're like 15 at the most, no I'm not being a dick. you literally have zero clue as to what you're doing. I've seen you misuse your powers, 1. you either don't know how to handle a flaming situation 2. you start to waste time with " warning" "warning" warning" as if it's like a ticking time bomb. just mute the players for 5 minutes already. also you're not active and tend to pk more than u help. Sorry if I hurt any of my homies feelings, the rest well pick up the slack.
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    Very nice idea man! When you're starting?
  5. 1 like
    Would love this idea, Will increase forums activity aswell!
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    Wha? huh? I have not seen this on any of the top 10 servers IT does not make this server a custom server, I feel like it just gives a sense of reward to someone that has been on the forums for a long time and is active and these ranks show others that this person has been active for a long time. Example: Rune-server if you see someone on that website with one of the high post count emblems, you would instantly know that person has been around for a while. I want it added but dont care if its not.
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    Possibly, but as of now I've removed one post since my promotion, I want more stuff to do haha.
  9. 1 like
    This would be awesome, however the amount of coding a grand exhange system would take is mind boggling. For example, right now all that has to be considered is the item up for sale, and having someone purchase it. It's basically a player owned shop. Once you start talking about leaving buy offers in the trading post, you have to consider how to automatically transfer exact wealth and items in the same way the GE does, for example the way the GE orders offers, and who actually buys the item, if there are three or four separate buy offers in. This isn't something that has been overlooked by God David, it's just something that isn't really feasible, without having another developer to support the coding.
  10. 1 like
    What do you mean it would ruin the eco? The items are literally just going to appear under your forum name, this has nothing to do with these items in the game?? I can single handedly manage spam on servers with 5x times the forum users we have now, only difference is we have more than just me moderating the forums. Your first point makes no sense, and your second one is irrelevant.
  11. 1 like
    I mean, I understand what you're saying. So long as the boss is one which is constantly in the wilderness I don't think instant teleports to it would be catastrophically bad, but monsters like Zulrah shouldn't have an instant teleport to them.
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    In fact, I think that's the opposite that will happen. I do not want to use a forum where I see many toys flashing. This is precisely what separates us from all the other custom servers that have this. It looks just ugly and uncomfortable to my eyes. I agree that we may need more topics such as Achievements & Goals, Memes etc.
  14. 1 like
    you're clueless my g.